Like any systematic alteration or conversion, the full transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 in 2015 brings with it many questions and concerns for healthcare professionals. With increased data security measurements, HIPAA regulations, and the ongoing digitization of health records, healthcare organizations must know the impact that the conversion will have on their staff and patients. When you download our free white paper, you will understand what you need to know about the ICD-9 to 10 conversions, but may have been afraid to ask.
In this white paper, you will learn more about the ICD-9 to 10 conversions including:
- How cash management and healthcare security will be impacted
- The common frustrations associated with ICD-9 and 10
- The security issues associated with ICD-9 and 10, including email, encryption of data, and the many different points of entry to gain access to data.
- Form processing solutions
- And much, much more.
While the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 was delayed back in April, health organizations that were already prepared for the conversion should continue to conduct training and practice to mitigate productivity loss, and those that weren’t equipped for the transition now have ample time to prepare for the new coding standard.
Download our free white paper by filling out the form below and you and your organization will be ahead of the game when the transition is completely implemented.
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