Designing Intelligent Questionnaires

Designing Intelligent Questionnaires - iBridge
Surveys and questionnaires have been used by organizations to query, assess, and validate business goals and objectives for decades. While both gather information, the survey process also employs data analysis to convert the raw data into insights and opportunities. The process of data analysis is, however, time-consuming and often expensive.

To streamline and make the survey and assessment process much more cost-efficient, iBridge has established the concept of intelligent questionnaires. Intelligent questionnaires not only collect and organize data but also utilize embedded analytic tools to immediately generate actionable insights.


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Data Analytics is the New Competitive Advantage

Data Analytics is the new Competitive Advantage - iBridge

Data analytics is the new fuel and a key component of any successful digital transformation initiative. It’s changing the business paradigm for companies of any size and in any industry. Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to derive insights from the information.

It is a complex process, but one that is easily harnessed with the right planning. Gaining insight from data involves setting data requirements as well as collecting, organizing, and cleansing the data before drawing conclusions to reveal trends and metrics. An accurate and well-maintained database will give your organization the competitive advantage it needs to remain competitive in today’s fast changing, business environment.

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Forensic Collection of Cell Phones – What You Can Do To Secure Evidence

Did you know cell phone use is expected to grow by 650% by 2018? Cell phones are not only a vital part of our daily lives; they can also be a vital tool in establishing liability or non-culpability in a civil case, or demonstrating an individual’s guilt or innocence in a criminal case.

Did you know…?

  • Cell phones are designed for memory conservation
  • Forensic examiners use several tools to extract information from cell phones
  • Service providers keep detailed records of information – but it’s very different depending on the provider

In an increasingly digital world, more and more evidence lies within cell phones. Download our white paper by filling out the form below and you will learn how to collect this information correctly and defensibly.

Download our free white paper about how cell phones have become major players in the world – and what you can do to protect yourself and your clients.

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Law Firms and Cyber-Attacks

Digital security is becoming a more frequent topic in the legal world, as are the ethical questions brought up by the increasing frequency (and publicity) surrounding cyber-attacks. Protecting sensitive information and data is nothing new; lawyers have been very protective of information since the beginning of the profession. What is new, it is the ease with which cyber criminals can access potentially sensitive information through a variety of means – including social media and other methods.

How has this easy access changed thinking within law firms? Where do they need to be most concerned about cyber-attacks?

When you download our free research paper, you will understand how law firms are affected by cyber threats including:

  • The nature of cyber-threats in the 21st Century
  • How to keep up with the hackers
  • How to limit your exposure
  • Purchasing the right security program
  • And much, much more.

Although the legal industry has traditionally been more hesitant than other industries to embrace new technologies, it has been profoundly affected by the widespread use of the Internet.

Download our free research paper by filling out the form below so you and your agency will be prepared to defend yourself against cyber-attacks.

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10 Legal Industry Threats, Challenges and Trends Legal Professionals Need to Know

As recently as a decade ago, the legal industry was enjoying a lucrative golden age. New law student graduates were finding high-paying entry-level jobs and law firms were struggling to keep up with demand from potential clients. However, the industry has seen numerous significant shifts due to both economic and technologic disruptions.

There are numerous threats, challenges and trends that will shape the legal industry in the upcoming 12 months (and beyond). If you want to get ahead of the curve, read our free white paper.

After downloading this white paper, you’ll know about:

  • The growing role of Legal process (LPO)
  • The shrinking pool of lawyers
  • The shift towards part-time and contract lawyers
  • How leverage has changed in fee negotiations
  • And much, much more.
Grab your free copy of our white paper by filling out the form below and learn more about trends that are impacting your world today.

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Is your Contract Management Just “Good Enough”?

Contracts are a fundamental building block in any business. They constitute the binding relationship between a company and its customers and suppliers; defining the terms, conditions, and charges for the products and services provided.

However, managing contracts manually is inefficient and cumbersome. Contracts get lost, incorrect contract terms are used, and renewals do not happen when they should, resulting in wasted organizational time, lost revenue and increased costs.

Control over contractual agreements is essential to survive the scrutiny of a financial audit or to support litigation.  Download our free whitepaper so you can understand how to properly manage your contracts.

After downloading this white paper, you’ll learn:

  • What contract management issues do enterprises face?
  • Contract management and ERP/CRM Systems.
  • Who’s involved in contract management and who benefits.
  • Contract Management Best Practices.
  • And much, much more.

Grab your free copy of our white paper by filling out the form below and become an expert on contract management.

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Using Back-Office Services and Outsourcing to Accelerate Growth

Smart companies, firms and organizations have learned that using back office on-demand services is a quick and easy way to reduce and manage overhead costs.  Download our free white paper to learn why the practice of back office on-demand services is becoming an increasingly popular tool to accelerate growth.

Our white paper will explain the many benefits of Back Office On-Demand Services, including:

  • Immediate upfront savings
  • Access to instant expertise
  • Greater focus on core strengths and strategy
  • Streamlined resources and processes

We also provide examples of how back office on-demand services can be utilized in a variety of areas including:

  • Accounting, bookkeeping and accounts payable/receivable processing
  • HR management services
  • Document management
  • On-site and remote scanning
  • And much, much more

Download our free white paper by filling out the form below and learn if back office on-demand services are right for you and your organization. What you learn may surprise you.


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What Healthcare Execs Need to Know about ICD-9 to 10 Conversion

Like any systematic alteration or conversion, the full transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 in 2015 brings with it many questions and concerns for healthcare professionals. With increased data security measurements, HIPAA regulations, and the ongoing digitization of health records, healthcare organizations must know the impact that the conversion will have on their staff and patients. When you download our free white paper, you will understand what you need to know about the ICD-9 to 10 conversions, but may have been afraid to ask.

In this white paper, you will learn more about the ICD-9 to 10 conversions including:

  • How cash management and healthcare security will be impacted
  • The common frustrations associated with ICD-9 and 10
  • The security issues associated with ICD-9 and 10, including email, encryption of data, and the many different points of entry to gain access to data.
  • Form processing solutions
  • And much, much more.

While the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 was delayed back in April, health organizations that were already prepared for the conversion should continue to conduct training and practice to mitigate productivity loss, and those that weren’t equipped for the transition now have ample time to prepare for the new coding standard.

Download our free white paper by filling out the form below and you and your organization will be ahead of the game when the transition is completely implemented.

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7 Things About Medical Identity Theft Healthcare Executives Need to Know

When thinking about identity theft, the picture that most often comes to mind is credit card fraud or unauthorized access to the victim’s bank account. However, medical identity theft – the act of stealing someone’s health records or other medical information – is quickly climbing the ranks as a threat against the public that may be even more serious…and one that’s spreading all too rapidly.

Medical identity theft represents a systemic flaw that could drive healthcare costs up even further and at worst a tragic situation that could cause sickness or death due to inaccurate health records. Download our free white paper so you can learn seven things about medical ID theft you need to know.

After downloading this white paper, you’ll learn that:

  • Medical ID theft is on the rise
  • Medical ID theft represents nearly half of all identity thefts in the United States
  • Victims of medical ID theft often have little to no recourse after the fact
  • Medical theft is under-researched and under-reported
  • And much more.

Grab your free copy of our white paper by filling out the form below and become an expert on medical ID theft.

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3 Steps to Successful Information Governance

Lately, the phrase “information governance” has become one of those buzzwords that people toss around an awful lot without knowing exactly what it entails.

Why does IG matter? Irrelevant and outdated data archives can increase discovery costs exponentially. Discovery costs are an out-of-pocket expenditure that not every company can afford up front.

Download our free white paper, 3 Steps to Successful Information Governance, and learn:

  • The role of industry-relevant regulatory restrictions
  • The importance of internal data management
  • Why your corporate communications structure matters
  • How your business can develop a comprehensive information governance strategy that will help protect you now and into the future
  • And much, much more.

More enterprises must transform information governance from a vague, conceptual piece of business jargon to hard reality. Are you ready to take that step?

Download our free white paper by filling out the form below and ensure you’re on the right path to information governance.

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