Data Mapping: A Key Step to Staying Compliant with Data Security Regulations

Data security, data integrity, and data privacy are key concerns for today’s businesses. In particular, the GDPR in the EU and CCPA in California mandate organizations to take the necessary measures to protect data at inception, in motion, and at rest.

Securing your data not only protects your customers’ information but also helps you avoid hefty penalties. For instance, GDPR fines are rising exponentially (up to 10 million euros), and CCPA penalties aren’t far behind.

But how can you be sure that all your data is fully protected at all times? Are you assuming that your data is protected, or do you know for certain that everything in your system is airtight? What can you do to take the guesswork out of the data management process?

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Accurate Decision Making with Data Driven Insights

Insights that are data driven can give a business a decision-making advantage for improvements. With information and observations that are given, it allows strategic tactics and actions to be formed. According to Google, highly data-driven organizations are three times more likely to report significant improvement in decision-making.
Meanwhile, these companies are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times more likely to retain customers, and 19 times more likely to be profitable. In addition, insight-driven businesses are growing at an average of over 30% annually and are projected to take $1.8 trillion per year from their less-informed competitors by 2021.


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The Reason Your Digital Transformation Progress Is Stalling Could Be You

The Reason Your Digital Transformation Progress Is Stalling Could Be You - iBridge
Although as many as 93% of IT leaders indicate that their organizations are implementing a digital transformation, 42% of them also say that they’re struggling to achieve the desired results. Many of these initiatives are behind schedule, while others are completely stalled. The level of success you achieve with a digital transformation initiative often depends on your employees’ performance, which, in turn, depends on how the organization’s leadership interacts with and guides their IT and operational teams throughout the process.

Successful digital transformation leaders know when to tap into the right expert knowledge and outsource experience to help them achieve their goals. By working with industry experts, you can access the best resources to help you design and implement an effective digital transformation strategy tailored to your organization’s needs and strategies vision.


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Have You Thought About Your AI Strategy?

Have You Thought About Your Ai Strategy - iBridge
Businesses face crossroads when emerging technologies achieve critical market adoption. Companies that don’t have the strategies in place to embrace technological market changes have shown to suffer negative consequences.

Two major examples are the rise of the internet in the mid-2000s and the advance in mobile technologies a decade later. Organizations that failed to implement internet marketing and commerce lost significant market share. The same happened in the mid-2010s when everything needed to be mobile-first—otherwise, a brand could easily lose half of its audience.


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Data Analytics is the New Competitive Advantage

Data Analytics is the new Competitive Advantage - iBridge

Data analytics is the new fuel and a key component of any successful digital transformation initiative. It’s changing the business paradigm for companies of any size and in any industry. Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to derive insights from the information.

It is a complex process, but one that is easily harnessed with the right planning. Gaining insight from data involves setting data requirements as well as collecting, organizing, and cleansing the data before drawing conclusions to reveal trends and metrics. An accurate and well-maintained database will give your organization the competitive advantage it needs to remain competitive in today’s fast changing, business environment.

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Law Firms and Cyber-Attacks

Digital security is becoming a more frequent topic in the legal world, as are the ethical questions brought up by the increasing frequency (and publicity) surrounding cyber-attacks. Protecting sensitive information and data is nothing new; lawyers have been very protective of information since the beginning of the profession. What is new, it is the ease with which cyber criminals can access potentially sensitive information through a variety of means – including social media and other methods.

How has this easy access changed thinking within law firms? Where do they need to be most concerned about cyber-attacks?

When you download our free research paper, you will understand how law firms are affected by cyber threats including:

  • The nature of cyber-threats in the 21st Century
  • How to keep up with the hackers
  • How to limit your exposure
  • Purchasing the right security program
  • And much, much more.

Although the legal industry has traditionally been more hesitant than other industries to embrace new technologies, it has been profoundly affected by the widespread use of the Internet.

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The Underground Economy of Data Breaches

While data breaches can often be viewed as a single event, in reality, data breaches can result in hackers gaining access to private information, such as bank accounts, credit cards and your identity. Hackers are also prone to selling your stolen information and an entire underground economy has been built around data breaches.

Download our free white paper so you can learn all about the underground economy of data breaches and how to protect yourself.

You’ll find out:

  • The history of the underground economy of data breaches
  • How the underground economy of data breaches has evolved and adapted
  • How the reselling of precious data occurs
  • Tips to protect yourself and your private information
  • And much, much more

Data breaches are a real issue in today’s technologically advanced society. As much data security surrounds important information, hackers will continue to find ways to manipulate the system.

Download our free white paper by filling out the form below and you’ll be able to understand the underground economy of data breaches and how to effectively protect yourself from the theft of your private information. Don’t become a victim!

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Email Encryption – 10 Things You Don’t Know that Can Hurt You

How many emails do you send and receive per day? Lost count? While email has undeniable benefits, it’s also an inherently unsafe system.

When you download our free white paper, you’ll learn 10 reasons data security must be at the forefront
 of every company’s mind.

Here’s why:

  • Viruses that scan emails can easily live outside of attachments
  • Digital data is more permanent than physical documentation
  • Hackers have grown more talented and motivated
  • Sensitive documents that ought to have limited lifespans may not be archived or deleted accordingly
  • And much, much more.

Email isn’t as safe as you think. It’s an entirely trust-based system. Messages can be tracked, traced and opened with little effort.

Download our white paper by filling out the form below so you can be prepared to conduct data transmission securely. Think before you press send !

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You are not alone floating in the cloud

What is Cloud?

In pure business terms, the cloud is essentially a flexible, scalable, pay-per-use model for the way services are delivered and consumed and typically through short-term contracts. With its pay-as-you-go model, the cloud moves many IT costs from capital expenditure to operating expenditure; its “elastic model” means available IT capability can be flexed to mirror changing business demand, and it enables consumers of IT to have much greater transparency over their costs.

In this eBook, you will learn more about the Cloud Adoption including:

  • Why Businesses are Moving to the Cloud?
  • The business benefits of cloud
  • Most common cloud service adoption
  • Key drivers for moving to a cloud approach
  • And much, much more.

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